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What We Do

We know teams are coming together virtually from all over the world. Especially now. To support dispersed clients working across distances to achieve common goals, we offer interactive online workshops, as well as coaching in how to be effective leading them yourself.

Why We Do It

In order to help individual clients and teams bridge the distance and communicate more effectively with greater ease and impact.

How We Do It

Our virtual offerings are constantly evolving - just like your virtual needs. Connection, efficiency and agility are the principles we prioritize as we curate content through uncertainty. Workshops include:

  • Virtual Leadership 101 - A top-down approach for training leaders to function at their best in the virtual space. As a leader, how do you maintain clear outcomes while creating a safe space for diversity of thought in a virtual environment? This session will look at how to maintain our humanity as we are actively in pursuit of business outcomes.

  • Achieving Work/Life Balance (especially in a Hybrid World) – In order to maintain physical and emotional health and wellness, we need to acknowledge the challenges - and opportunities – inherent our current working structures. This session takes a look at mindset, boundaries and habits that are either supporting or sabotaging a sense of overall well-being. We’ll explore some of the most common focus pitfalls, and identify specific tools you can add to your Wellness Toolkit.

  • Run a Better Virtual Meeting - How do you run a virtual meeting that has people looking forward to joining you instead of dreading yet another hour of being attached to the screen? We’ll identify some strategies to elevate engagement - and enthusiasm - for communicating in the virtual space. 

  • Building a Feedback Culture - Effective communication can’t exist without feedback. Normalizing ways to share what’s working and what isn’t becomes extremely important both for building rapport and staying efficient. Leaders need to create psychological safety and useful frameworks around requests for feedback. Direct reports need to feel confident in offering feedback from a distance in a way that lands with positive impact. We look at both.

  • Scripts & Slides in a Virtual World - It’s almost a sure thing you have too many words and too many slides and too many words on each of your too many slides. No worries. We’ve got a program for that.

  • Functioning Effectively in the Presence of Paradox - How do we lead through VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) moments? This session explores case studies and offer strategies to navigate change - and come out the other side thriving. 

  • Creating a Memorable First Impression – Whether live or virtual, we all know the first few minutes meeting someone can often be the most impactful. This session offers a Framework for Introduction that takes the mystery out of how to open a high stakes conversation. We’ll also look at 7 Essential elements that need to be considered in order to create an impactful first impression.


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