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What We Do

As a team, you are typically unified in service of a similar mission. Each team member is contributing essential pieces of the puzzle with the aim of driving results. You may be quite familiar with one another, having worked beside each other for years; or you may be new to one another owing to a merger, re-org, staffing changes…. In Team Coaching, we focus on a common outcome, then introduce dynamic ways of exploring and collaborating in order to maximize results.

Why We Do It

Whether it’s about bringing people together to take a break from the day-to-day, or assembling them in order to double down on it, we know teams who undergo a unifying experience can leave feeling connected, energized and even more committed to moving an effort forward. Especially during chaotic times, these kinds of experiences can be invaluable, both for work efficiencies and mental/emotional health and wellness. 

How We Do It

Frequently working in partnership with a team lead and/or a handful of team members, we will curate a program that responds to your team’s unique needs in any given moment. Perhaps you’re looking to disrupt old patterns in order to come up with something new – a process, a product, a message. Or you might be offering your team a way to come together to build and maintain rapport. It may also be about facilitating an internal knowledge-share so the wisdom in one is able to be shared with the others. Regardless of what brings us together, we prioritize collaborating and being responsive to the asks as they emerge, and to the outcome as it is identified.