
What We Do

We work with groups of women within organizations who are looking to:

  • Communicate with impact

  • Expand influence

  • Build culture

  • Manage and mentor others

  • Achieve ambitious professional goals.  

Coming together with other female leaders in a single ecosystem, we explore issues specific to gender in that workplace, as well as addressing leadership elements that need to be prioritized regardless of gender.

Why We Do It

At this critical moment in our professional and personal lives, the world has been disrupted in a deeply profound way. The pandemic has magnified some of the systemic inequities that have lasted far too long; and we have a stated priority to tactically address them, in a customized way, as they are revealed. One of the fallouts has been women leaving - or being driven from - the workforce, in droves. In this program, we look at ways to build resilience, and expand our toolkits to meet the challenges of the moment, while also being agents of change within it.

How We Do It

With a program specifically tailored to your needs and circumstances, learn how to: 

  • Assess starting points and outcomes for a specific group within a specific business

  • Identify internal challenges and opportunities 

  • Communicate with colleagues about multiple and varied experiences, unique and shared

  • Create optimal conditions for success by creating ease and calm within

  • Identify individual strengths and growth areas, and engage in curriculum to take action in both


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